The following chart lists the many items the current POA & Office are creating multiple disasters soon to come back on us.
this is the list of items I'm working on may need some input from you
Robert or others until I can get to the bottom of all the details
Please add any items that are concerns of violations; also let me know if you have any information that will substantiate any items.
Wrong Actions
The 1099 issues for 2019, IRS tax filing of past years 1099
1.5 million loan
$75,000 from reserve without board vote and funds came from POA finances to settle lawsuit against GOLF; another example of co-mingling of funds.
Held closed meetings in violation of City health ordinance
Hiring of Evan as Interim GM and establishing pay increase by then President of POA, Jay Reyes without POA board approval or knowledge.
Organizational meeting adjourned in November 2019 after meeting was adjourned approved 2500 for training nobody approved $50 an hour
At the January 31st 2020 meeting the minutes for the September 27th 2019 meeting were approved but the vote count shows it failed:
the vote was
3 NO votes
1 abstention
2 YES votes
motion passed
Glenn Newsom, POA Secretary, September 27, 2019, made the motion regarding appointing the next highest vote person to replace anybody off the board; later at another meeting Forrest Bolles said that was an illegal motion "because it was not on the agenda". When in fact, Forrest's motion of Nov 9, 2018 was not an agenda item either. However,
Finance report person tries to justify no financials for the January 31st meeting by blaming the software.
Rule changes without bylaw driven notification to each owner
Golf pays POA Lease
Actions without a Board meeting not all BM approved of the action
Financial records requests denied to fellow board members and several owners
Misty Deleted ALL of her company emails
Budget shows Reserve funds used under incorrect accounts
Office worker's illegal termination
Board actions without knowledge of entire board
Board Members do not understand governing docsuments
POA President (2019) Jay Reyes banned owners from budget meeting